We are looking for a postdoc to work on our hybrid atom-opto-mechanical system. Check out the job advertisement here: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/work-with-us/vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=13782&rmlang=UK
Our Strontium source arrived from AOSense. This will be a great starting point for our hybrid atom-optomechanical system. We will now get to work on the laser and vacuum system to cool and trap atoms in a cryogenic environment.
Pritwish joins the lab today starting as a Ph.D. student. He recently completed his masters at IIT Delhi and will now work on building the atomic physics side of our hybrid atom-mechanical experiment. Pritwish is funded by our ERC Starting Grant, SEQUENCE.
Bernard Faulend joined our team as a WACQT intern. He will make theoretical investigations and simulations of our planned hybrid atom-mechanical system. Welcome Bernard!
We have an open PhD position working on atom-optomechanics. Apply at https://www.chalmers.se/om-chalmers/arbeta-hos-oss/lediga-tjanster/?rmpage=job&rmjob=13193&rmlang=SE. Contact Nils if you want more information.
Kazuki is coming to join us from University of Tokyo and will stay until January 2025. He will be doing a masters project on design, simulation and characterization of nanomechanial resonators.
Alexandre Barbosa starts his PhD at HQL today. He has secured an Excellence PhD studentship in the Nano Area of Advance and has chosen to do his PhD at the Hybrid Quantum Systems Laboratory. Alex will work theoretically and experimentally on our nanomechanics and optomechanics project with the aim of generating nonclassical states of motion.
Our titanium sapphire laser has arrived and is installed in the lab. We now have >1W of power from 670-1050 nm!
We have two new postdoc positions open, both fully funded for two years. The first one is on spin sensing using ultrahigh-Q mechanical systems and the second is on hybrid atom-optomechanical systems. If you are interested, contact Nils for more information and check out the 'People' page to see how to apply.
Four optical tables were brought to the laboratory. Thanks to the guys from GLC who worked hard to transport these through narrow corridors, doors and elevators. Some protective covering is still needed while the rest of the renovation work finishes, but our labs are now almost ready!
Hanna Andersson, Måns Müntzing and Tom Sandrén start their bachelor project in the laboratory. They will design, assemble and characterize an optical interferometer for characterization of nanomechanical resonators. Welcome!
Welcome Awse! Awse will work on the optomechanical side of the atom-mechanical coupling experiment with a particular focus on nanofabrication.
Nils receives a VR Starting Grant to fund a project on spin sensing using coupled mechanical resonators functionalized with nanomagnets. The aim of the project is to realize an on-chip optomechanical system capable of magnetic resonance force microscopy.
Nils receives an ERC Starting Grant to fund a project on creating nonclassical states of motion using functionalized mechanical resonators. The ultimate goal is to realize superposition states of motion by coupling mechanical resonators to single atoms in optical tweezers. On the way there, we will nanofabricate ultracoherent mechanical resonators and optomechanical systems and construct a cold atom system capable of positioning single atoms near nanoscale objects.
Nils is hired as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Nano Area of Advance and will work in the Quantum Technology Division at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2).